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Perfection ReTHUNK
Maybe the title already has you because you are trying to figure out if re-thunk is a word...Who cares....Can you get on board with...

What It Is (or Isn’t)
A moment of presence and joy on the coast of Oregon When we can watch children suffer, get poked and prodded for a lifetime of pain See...
Gifts and Fritos of the Spirit
Ever given someone a gift that they didn’t acknowledge? You just wanted it to be appreciated and they’d already started awkwardly...
The Way of Love {Spring edition}
The Way of Love If we could slow down enough to see- that after every blink of our eyes the whole world has changed and also nothing has....
Five Gifts for your College Girl (or yourself!)
My blog post contains affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission if you make a purchase through these links. This comes at no...

Phone Fritz
Have you ever tried to type on your phone while it's on a charger and the letters get crazy? It’s like the charger fritzes the keyboard...

Adam and Eve Need A Break, Y’all
Is the story of Adam and Eve so far from us that it lost its ability to be enough to show us that even if we had it all back at one that...

The Way of Love
"The Way of Love" (These words deliver their best when read aloud slowly bc the slowing down is where the real seeing, feeling and being...

The China Closet
(Republished/edited from my old blog...because my grandmother's presence in my heart and mind has been such a comfort lately) My...
Ease or Jump Into the New Year?
These new year chats and mentions all over my TV, social media, and in casual conversation at the grocery store check out can get my mind...

Over Ripe Over Caffeinated, and Perfectly Meditated
6:47 a.m.... My day so far.... I woke at 4:53 a.m. Â I wish I could tell you I am a natural at this wake up time, but it is simply the...

Making Peace out of the Pieces
Have you ever felt yourself wearing your busyness as your badge of honor? Â Feeling like your life is packed full and feeling like you...

Perfection, Fishes, and Loaves
Do ya'll ever invite people over and then when it's time to get ready for the little gathering, you start wondering WHY you ever even...

Picture This
I love pictures and I’m obviously not alone because Instagram is a raging success. What I notice is that no matter what kind of picture...

Partly Ourselves
I’ve learned so much about my body in the past ten years. When misalignments occur certain muscles go to sleep and don’t do their jobs....
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